
LEAVE AOA ALONE *ugly sobs*

     As some of you know, trend group AOA is coming back on the 11th, and they recently released  the teaser image for their comeback song "Walk Slowly". Now I'm not a big fan of AOA (although short hair was a bop), and the outfits honestly look like they are wearing Rainbow BLAXX hand-me-downs, so when I saw the teaser picture, I was like, "meh." However, after surfing the k-blogs to see what people were saying about it,  I  was eventually forced to became an AOA stan. With all the hate they are getting from this sexy concept, I feel the need to defend them.  So I'm here to discuss some of the remarks I repeatedly hear regarding their comeback.

"Sexy concept, again?"
     So unless you are new, you should know that when it comes to K-pop, beating the dead horse is the norm. There are like 5 million idol groups out right now, so if you can manage to find something to separate yourself from the bunch, of course you're going to keep doing it. Why else did you think Super Junior would comeback with exclusively electronic club hits after the success of Sorry Sorry? Sure, the songs AOA had during their band promotions were good, but it was "Miniskirt" that got them popularity. The sexy concept  got them recognition, so is it really that far-fetched that they would stick to it?

"Using there bodies for attention? How sad."

Taeyang in Uniform
      It's double standard time! This is a common remark when girl groups go for a "sexy" concept, but where is this criticism when it comes to guy groups?Why wasn't it pathetic when Taecyeon used to rip his shirt off at the end of "Heartbeat"? Or when Taeyang...exists? When its comes to males being sexy, it's something to be proud of but with girl groups it's always seems like a back handed compliment.There is nothing wrong with sexuality and I feel like people should stop acting like they are suprised that physical appeal  has an influence over popularity, whether it's a girl group or boy group. And besides, who says they are trying to be sexy or provocative by showing skin? In my opinion, rather than sexy, they look more chic or edgy in this picture. 

"Poor Youkyung..."
     For those of you who don't know a lot about AOA, you're probably wondering who Youkyung is. So let me first start off by saying, AOA is actually two groups. The band version of AOA has five members; Youkyung, ChoA, Yuna, Jimin, and Mina. The idol version, that is responsible for the hit Miniskirt and AOA's current popularity includes  ChoA, Yuna, Jimin, Mina, Chanmi, Hyejeong and Seolhyun; basically everyone but Youkyung. Ever since Miniskirt, AOA has been promoting exclusively as their idol version so that's left people wondering what exactly happen to her. But I just have to say...yeah. What did happened to her? She really ended up in a crappy situation through no fault of her own...but the only ones who we can blame are ourselves. Okay, so maybe that's a bit drastic but it's technically true. Back in AOA's band days, there popularity was nowhere what it is now. Like it or not, the public had a hotter response to idol AOA, and like I mentioned above, when something works in K-pop, people tend to stick to it. It really sucks for Youkyung, but I'm sure if band AOA was they one that got popular, everyone would be saying poor Chanmi, Hyeyeong, and Seolhyun.

So for now, all I can do it wait for their comeback because honestly, who cares what they look like if the song is a jam! So until then, good luck AOA!

You are my Temptation