

    I just went to go see BIG HERO 6 a couple hours  ago and it was AMAZING!  The movie opened with a bang with a scene where the main character Hiro enters a "bot fight" against a huge and intimidating guy that we seen destroy his previous opponent moments earlier. A meek Hiro approaches the ring asking if he can participate with a pathetic looking bot he built all by himself. After giving up some money, he is granted the opportunity to battle, and of course he's destroyed. However, and this is just the start to a string of awesome twists in the movie, he coughs up some more dough for a chance to redeem himself and we see a whole different person. We soon find out that the "meek" Hiro from the first battle is nothing but a facade. This time around we watch as Hiro confidently uses his modest bot to intricately demolish his opponent, without batting an eyelash. Realizing he has been conned, Hiro's opponent attempts to beat him up which results in a wild chase scene (which also happens to be where we meet my favorite character, his older brother Tadashi). I won't ruin too much of the movie but between the fight scenes, smooth animation, vibrant art, futuristic technology, and the adorableness that is the relationship between Hiro and the big white robot, Baymax, you definitely won't want to miss this!

     My only complaint would probably be the way they peppered in the background story of the main character Hiro,  as it was kind of unnatural and it was obvious the writers were thinking, "here are all the things you need to know about this character before we begin the real journey." But after they got that information out of the way, it started to pick right away! It comes out in theaters this Friday so make sure to go see it!