
Pritz competes (with themselves) for messiest Girl Group of 2014


     It's really hard to find originality in K-pop anymore. The cute, edgy, and sexy concepts have all been beateb to death so how is a new girl group supposed to distinguish themselves from the pack? However, new girl group Pritz was able to break the mold with their inspiration for their debut concept; Nazi soldiers. Apparently Pritz's team thought it would be cool for Pritz to show off their cute charms in Nazi-inspired armbands. Now of course they got backlash for this but what suprised me is that it seemed like their team didn't really care. While they acknowledged the criticism, they keep the concept for their music video and stated that their concept would remain the same for the entirety of their promotions. So let me just say EW. I'm am honestly getting tired of this whole," any press is good press" mentality. Now  when I saw this, it immediately reminded me of the situation earlier this year where Red Velvet's team got in trouble for anti-Japanese imagery and references to 9/ll in their music video for their debut track "Happiness."

[Update] Anti-Japanese imagery in Korean girl group Red Velvet’s debut video?

    Say what you want but I still think that that was a shameless attempt to gain buzz around Red Velvet's debut, which admittedly worked. However, when all was said and done, and the promotion team got the attention they wanted, they eventually edited the video. Pritz clearly did this for attention, and didn't even care to correct themselves when they were called out, which is, as I said earlier, EW. Like their team must just really not care at all, because it's not like this is a game changing concept. The only thing that stands out about it is the armbands, but is it really worth offending people for a couple internet articles? I feel like they just set themselves up for  careers that leads them nowhere. Though I haven't heard their song, I haven't been hearing any good things about it, which means it's probably bad or below average. And this whole situation is definitely tainting their image. Even if they do manage to make it big in the future, they will always have this hanging over them, which will prevent them from reaching their full potential fan-wise. WHY DO THIS?! I admit I probably wouldn't know them if it weren't for this scandal, but now that I know them, I know that I won't support them. Can we please go back to the time when talent/positive attributes were the best way to get attention?