
10 Idols who shined in 2014

So this is low-key the intro I used for the video I made on this topic but like, since when was I Shakespeare, I don't even know what I mean by that.

Have you ever had a situation where there was an idol, who may have been active for awhile, and during that time you never really paid attention to them, but then suddenly,due to some random event, they become one of your favorites? We'll here's a list of idols who really stood out to me in 2014!


Lovelyz debuted in 2014 under Woolim Entertaiment.

I don't even know how this happened because they literally debuted 30 seconds ago but alas, I'm really starting to like them. They first got my attention because of the whole Jisoo scandal btw whatever happen with that? but after taking a listen to there music, I realized I really liked it. Now a lot of people think they're basic, their innocent image is over-played, there music is simple etc. but what wrong with simple? And to be honest, at this point, what concept is not over-played? To me, they're  fresh and their music is sweet and easy to listen to.

9. Song Mino (Winner)

Mino debuted as a member of Winner in 2014 under YG Entertainment.

I have to admit, before I really took time to get in to Winner, I thought that Mino was just a baby G-dragon. I mean, he looks like G-dragon, his stage mannerisms are very G-dragon-ish and even though his voice tone reminds me of T.O.P., his flow is very reminiscent of GD. It wasn't until I watched some of Winner TV that I saw he had his own color. To me, Mino is just really cool, but at the same time really playful. There is just something about him that's charming.

8. Park Jimin (15&)

Jimin debut as a member of 15& under JYP Entertainment is 2012.

So I promised myself that I wasn't going to use this as a chance to complain about how underrated 15& and they're hit "Can't Hide It" is...but I just did so *sassily snaps fingers in a Z formation* Honestly though, I already knew how talented Jimin was thanks to 15& and K-pop Star, but it was her stint as a temporary  host on the show After-school Club that made me realize she's one of the funniest idols in the business. I really like her chemistry with Eric Nam and Got7's Jackson, but even with out them, her personality shines. Here's to hoping she does big things in 2015 Roommate season 3?


7. Im Siwan (ZE:A)

Siwan debuted as a member of Ze:A under Star Empire in 2010.

Literally I can't with this boy. All this year, I've had been hearing everyone singing his praises but I really didn't pay any mind to him. Then one day while I was doing a Radioh! broadcast, I asked my listeners to tell me what K-dramas they really enjoyed this year and almost everyone in the comment section said Misaeng. For those of you who don't know Misaeng is a drama about the life of office workers that Siwan starred in this year and although that basic premise sounds boring the drama is So.Damn.Good. More specifically Siwan's acting is amazing. I find it so funny though because, I watch most of my K-dramas on Viki.com, which is a site that lets you see comments by other watchers at real-time while watching, and I remember side-eyeing all the , "Siwan is so cool,awesome, hot, talented, etc." comments. But by the end, I was saying the same thing. His acting is just so natural and he's just overall really charming. And rich now too because apparently he got 10 CFs because of that #MisaengImpact. The Slayage is real.

6. Soyu (Sistar)

Soyu debuted as a member of Sistar in 2010 under Starship Entertainment.

Soyu though. Now clearly, what caught my attention with Soyu was her hit duet this year "Some." However, it takes more than a hit song to get me really hooked on someone.What I like about soyu is her style and her aura. She comes of as really sophisticated and classy but not in unapproachable and stuck up way, which is the case with a lot of idol who have a "chic concept." I also think that as someone who has a nice figure, she always talks about weight-lifting and exercising rather than just taking about how much she eats. I understand that both diet and exercise are both important when it comes maintaining your figure, but I think too often, people solely focus on diet, more specifically how little they eat, which can become dangerous. Anyway, I just really think Soyu has a unique presence and is so admirable.

So who made is into the Top 5? Watch the video below to find out!

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